ࡱ> )+(q bjbjt+t+ AA ]       \88888888!######$F : `G88888G 888   888!  8!  !8, O !~  FREGULATIONS CHANGES WITH EFFECT FROM 2000/1 Regulation 23 - General Degree requires 360 credits (prior to that year it was 320 credits) (Arts & Science specific regulations also amended to reflect this) See Regulation 40 amendments which were approved in 2000/1 but not published until 2001/2 (Also amended to include reference to part-time study) Introduction of Master in Physics (M Phys) Added definition of M Phys Regulation I B 2 amended to include part time evening degree students. Regulation C 8 amended to increase the amount of credits an MSci student may do from 150 credits previously to 180 credits, and to reduce the number of students a part-time student is required to register for from 40 credits previously to 20 credits. The reference to the M Chem has been removed from this regulation this year. Regulation D 13 this has had the reference to students not being allowed to progress to Second level with less than 80 credits at first level removed this year. Regulations E 21 & 22 have been amended to include a reference to part-time study, and including the stipulation that the modules be taught in the University. Regulation F. 40 Limitation of Studies (n.b. although this regulation appeared in print for the first time in 01-02 editions, it came into effect immediately upon being passed by TLA in Sept 2000.) Full-time (b) must have gained 160 (previously 140) credits after 2 years as matric student (c) must have gained 240 (previously 180) credits after 3 years as matric student Part-time - (c) must complete the requirements for General Degree after 9 (previously 8) years of study Regulation 29 amended to include a specific reference to 5 years including 3 years in Master in Chemistry programme. Regulation 30 added which defines credits for M Phys. (n.b. this regulation did not appear in the Course Catalogue, but did in the University Calendar for that year) Arts Regulations Regulation II B 2 amended subject list this year. Divinity Regulations Regulation III D 4 The requirement for the MTheol General has changed from requiring at least a further 120 credits previously to at least a further 160 credits of which at leas 40 credits shall be in Divinity subjects, except with the permission of the Head of School. Science Regulations Regulation IV B 2 amended to include M Phys and added Linguistics to (v) Regulation IV D 4 Special Degree (a) - amended credits required down to 80 credits at Second level from 100 credits previously. Regulation IV E 5 Honours Degree (a) - amended credits required down to 80 credits at Second level from 100 credits previously. Regulation IV F 7 Master in Science, Master in Chemistry and Master in Physics Degree (a) - amended credits required down to 80 credits at Second level from 100 credits previously. Regulation IV G 10 Transfer from Medical Science List of modules amended to reflect revised credit values and titles ,b`p2>ep@ON o r K L n {  O b |    ' a b -7fqOJQJ5>*CJOJQJ6CJOJQJ56CJOJQJ5CJOJQJ CJOJQJ?,-._`?@N X l m n ,-._`?@M N X l m n    a b efN 5    a b efN/ =!"#$% [4@4NormalCJOJPJQJmH 0@0 Heading 1$@&5:: Heading 2$@& >*Jɴ<A@<Default Paragraph Font6'@6Comment ReferenceCJ0@0 Comment TextCJTT sub para 2$n oCJPJmH nH *B"* Body Text5     26  #? C [\q Kitty+pub:regsarchive:Regulation changes - Masternam61\\CLICK\REGISTRY\facclerk\Regulations Archive.docklkmH\\click\registry\facclerk\kitty documents\Regulations Archive25.7.03.docklkmN\\click\registry\facclerk\kitty documents\Regulations Archive25.7.03 final.docklkm0\\dosclick\pub\regsarchive\reg changes 03-04.docklkm/\\dosclick\pub\regsarchive\reg changes 02-3.docklkm0\\dosclick\pub\regsarchive\reg changes 01-02.docklkm0\\dosclick\pub\regsarchive\reg changes 00-01.docklkm0\\dosclick\pub\regsarchive\reg changes 00-01.docklkm0\\dosclick\pub\regsarchive\reg changes 00-01.doc hho(.@llįLll `@GzTimes New Roman5Symbol3& zArial3zTimes"qhwLy 20d Regulation changesKittyklkmOh+'0`   ( 4@HPXRegulation changeseguKittytiittNormaliklkmli4kmMicrosoft Word 8.0@^в@ӋR@!~ ՜.+,D՜.+,L hp   Publicationsc 1 Regulation changes Title 6> _PID_GUIDAN{6CF49124-E525-4449-98EB-DE99D2B06FCC} !"#$%&'*Root Entry FRE] !~,1TableWordDocumentSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8 CompObjjObjectPoolE] !~E] !~  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q